Friday, May 8, 2009

Days in Pictures

Because I'm too tired to form a complete sentence.

the dr. and i go see amazing things at the Academy of Sciences"

and then we successfully make vegan pasties.

We make gay lego men do the electric slide

and I make gooey chocolate goodness.

I'm grateful there was no photo documentation of my first bike riding lesson. The dr. and I had dinner at Osha and upon turning back onto his street asked if I was up for a little bike riding lesson. It was a nice enough night and the street was quiet so I said sure.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I never learned how to ride a bike. My sister and I both never made it beyond training wheels and never bothered to learn after a couple of spills on the concrete.

photo credit jeffgage

I planted my crotch onto this awesomely cute bike and proceeded to swerve, stumble and white knuckle my way up and down his street. He walked and held the bike while I pedaled up hill and walked down as I tried to let myself coast for a couple of feet using the subtle slope to my advantage. I felt my inner thighs clutch the seat as I tried to maneuver turning. All of this, of course, with my feet on the concrete because I don't trust myself. Face breakage is full of fear.

The whole ordeal had me laughing hysterically though because looking stupid can be incredibly fun.

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